Upcoming Events

14 e 15 Luglio 2024: il Frank! Barollo a VinoVip Cortina

by Barollo Winery on

Non mancate lunedì 15 luglio a VinoVip Cortina, l'evento biennale organizzato da Civiltà Del Bere. Il nostro Frank! annata 2020 sarà presente assieme ad altri importanti cabernet del...

14-17 Aprile - Vinitaly: World Premiere Barollo Pinot Nero

by Barollo Winery on

La nuova edizione di Vinitaly farà da sfondo all'anteprima mondiale del nuovissimo PINOT NERO firmato Barollo, che potrete assaggiare nel nostro stand per tutta la durata della fiera!...

Domenica 17 marzo: i nostri vini a Vinetia Tasting

by Barollo Winery on

Nel cuore di Treviso tornano le eccellenze del vino con il nuovo appuntamento di VINETIA TASTING l'evento annuale organizzato dall'Associazione Italiana Sommelier Veneto. Vi aspettiamo domenica 17 Marzo dalle 10.30 alle 19.00 presso...

4-5-6 Novembre 2023: i vini Barollo a Merano Wine Festival

by Barollo Winery on

Dal 4 al 6 Novembre saremo presenti alla nuova edizione di Merano Wine Festival, il salotto del vino d'Europa dal 1992. Vi aspettiamo presso al Kurhaus di Merano, al tavolo 196A!

25 and 26 September Wine Next Padua

by Barollo Winery on

A project born with the aim of encouraging matching between restaurateurs and producers of the best wine labels on the market. On 25 and 26 September we will...

12 March 2023 - Our wines at Vinetia Tasting (Treviso)

by Barollo Winery on

This year too the walls of the historic center of Treviso will host the event VINETIA TASTING , to be held Saturday 11 And Sunday 12 March . The event will be...

10 March 2023 - New York Tre Bicchieri Gambero Rosso

by Barollo Winery on

After Chicago, Gambero Rosso's VINI D'ITALIA 2023 tour arrives in New York , where we will be present together with the winners of the Tre Bicchieri award in...

We look forward to seeing you on November 4th and 5th at the Merano Wine Festival!

by Barollo Winery on

From 4 to 8 November Merano will host the 31st edition of the Merano WineFestival with the theme “BREATH AND CRY OF THE EARTH. ”A perfect opportunity to...

Barollo wines at La Grande Dégustation de Montréal in Canada

by Barollo Winery on

From 20 and 22 October we will be present with our wines at the important annual event in Quebec for enthusiasts and operators in the wine and spirits...

15 May - Barollo Wines at Vinetia Tasting

by Barollo Winery on

The walls of the historic center of Treviso are ready to welcome the VINETIA TASTING event, which will be held on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th May ....

Ample parking

Convenient parking spaces adjacent to the company.

Purchases in the cellar

Cash or electronic payments are accepted.

Guided tastings

Accompanied by a tasting of local products.